Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Saturday, July 17th, 2149

We arrived at the hospital today, but that is not important. After Judas and Kerrin went to bed me and Dawn snuck out and went to our old home. In our old home there is one room the scientist told us never to go into; it was his lab. I grabbed a number of papers and started to go throw them. I did not have time to look though it all, but I did find one thing that startled me. I found one paper on the human genome, on ALTERING the human genome. I am starting to think that the scientist had something to do with the drug that changed everyone. Another paper looked like a journal entry.

It stated this:

'There is a problem with the drug. It seems people are refusing to take it. I have discussed a number of different ways of distribution to higher officials. The most effective way seems to be airborne. We are also discussing waterborne and food borne. When I started this venture I felt like I was doing the right thing. Now I seem to have a guilty conscience.'

I did not see anything saying what the drugs purpose was, but I do not see what else it could be. It all depends on if the people we stayed with were right about the airborne 'virus' or not. It all comes down to who I believe.

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